What Disqualifies You From Getting A CDL in Rhode Island?

Wondering what disqualifies you from getting a CDL in Rhode Island? The Ocean State maintains strict regulations for CDL eligibility, enforced by the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. From serious traffic violations to medical conditions and criminal records, various factors can disqualify you from earning or maintaining your CDL. Understanding these disqualifying conditions before starting your commercial driving journey is crucial for saving time and resources. 

Let’s explore the key factors that could impact your CDL eligibility in Rhode Island!

What disqualifies you from getting a CDL in Rhode Island?

Rhode Island CDL disqualification includes alcohol, accident felony; out-of-service, railroad-crossing, or hazardous material background check violations. Keep scrolling down to see the details!

what disqualifies you from getting a cdl in rhode island
What disqualifies you from getting a CDL in Rhode Island?

Alcohol/ Accidents/ Felony

Operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04% or higher is prohibited by law. By operating a CMV, drivers automatically consent to undergo alcohol testing.

A first offense for any of the following violations will result in losing your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) for a minimum of one year:

  • Operating a CMV with a BAC of 0.04% or above.
  • Driving a CMV while impaired by alcohol.
  • Refusing to take a blood alcohol test.
  • Operating a CMV under the influence of drugs.
  • Leaving the scene of an accident involving a CMV.
  • Using a CMV to commit a felony.
  • Driving a CMV while your CDL is suspended.
  • Causing a fatality due to negligent CMV operation.

If the violations occur while driving a CMV carrying hazardous materials requiring placards, the disqualification period increases to at least three years. A second offense results in a lifetime disqualification from holding a CDL.

Using a CMV to commit a felony involving controlled substances also leads to a lifetime CDL ban. Additionally, having any detectable amount of alcohol below 0.04% will result in a 24-hour-of-service order. 

Severe traffic violations

what disqualifies you from getting a cdl in rhode island
Severe traffic violations

Serious traffic violations include actions that demonstrate significant disregard for traffic laws or safety. These offenses encompass excessive speeding (exceeding the posted limited by 15 mph or more), reckless driving, improper or erratic lane changes, tailgating, committing traffic offenses in a CMV related to fatal accidents, operating a CMV without a valid CDL, failing to carry a CDL while driving, and driving a CMV without the appropriate class of CDL or required endorsements. 

Penalties for these violations include:

  • A minimum 60-day disqualification for two serious traffic violations within a three-year period involving a CMV.
  • At least 120 days for three or more serious traffic violations within a three-year period involving a CMV.

Out-of-service offenses

An out-of-service order is issued when a driver or vehicle is deemed unsafe to operate due to violations of safety regulations. These orders are mandatory and must be adhered to immediately to ensure the safety of the driver, other road users, and the integrity of the transportation system.

Specifically, your CDL will be suspended:

  • For a minimum of 90 days after a first violation of an out-of-service order.
  • For at least one year if you commit two out-of-service order violations within ten years.
  • For no less than three years if you have three or more violations of out-of-service orders within a ten-year timeframe.

Railroad crossing violations

A Rhode Island CDL will be disqualified for railroad-highway grade crossing violations involving federal, state, or local laws. The penalties are as follows:

  • Minimum of 60 days for the first violation.
  • At least 120 days for a second violation within three years.
  • At least one year for a third violation within three years.

These violations include:

  • Failing to stop before the crossing when the tracks are not clear (for drivers not required to stop).
  • Not slowing down to ensure the tracks are clear of oncoming trains (for drivers not required to stop).
  • Failing to stop before proceeding onto the crossing (for drivers required to always stop).
  • Entering the crossing without sufficient space to clear it entirely.
  • Ignoring traffic control devices or enforcement officials’ directions at the crossing.
  • Attempting to cross with insufficient undercarriage clearance.

HazMat background check violations

Obtaining a hazardous materials (HazMat) endorsement requires submitting fingerprints and undergoing a background check. You will be ineligible or lose your endorsement if you meet any of the following conditions: 

  • Lack of lawful permanent resident status in the US.
  • Renouncing U.S citizenship.
  • Being wanted or under indictment for specific felonies. 
  • Having a felony conviction in civilian or military court for certain offenses.
  • Being declared mentally incompetent or having been committed to a mental institution.
  • Being deemed a security threat by the Transportation Security Administration.

Background check requirements and procedures differ by jurisdiction. Your licensing agency will provide detailed instructions to help you complete the TSA background check process.

Private vehicle offenses

The Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act (MCSIA) of 1999 mandates the disqualification of CDL holders from operating commercial motor vehicles if they are convicted of certain moving violations in their personal vehicles.

If your personal driving privileges are revoked, cancelled, or suspended due to traffic law violations (excluding parking violations), your CDL privileges will also be suspended. 

For offenses involving alcohol, controlled substances, or felonies, the consequences are more severe:

  • A one-year CDL disqualification for the first offense.
  • Lifetime disqualification for a second offense, whether committed in a personal vehicle or a CMV.

Additionally, if your personal driving privileges are revoked, canceled, or suspended, you are not eligible to obtain a “hardship” license to operate a CMV. 

Final thoughts

Stay informed about Rhode Island CDL disqualifications is crucial to protect your CDL from being suspended. Remember not to get involved in alcohol, accident, felony while driving, or violate out-of-service orders and HazMat endorsement background checks. Now that you have disqualifies you from getting a CDL in Rhode Island, should anything be confusing, do not hesitate to leave questions below for further discussion. 

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