New Jersey CDL Disqualification: What might disqualify your CDL?

Are you a commercial driver in New Jersey worried about losing your Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)? Understanding the factors that can lead to your New Jersey CDL Disqualification is essential for protecting your livelihood. New Jersey’s strict regulations mean even seemingly minor infractions could jeopardize your commercial driving privileges. From alcohol abuse to violation of out-of-order orders, numerous scenarios could result in temporary or permanent CDL suspension. Stay informed about these disqualified offenses is key to keeping your CDL safe!

Now keep reading and discover key factors that might put your commercial driving career at risks

What are the New Jersey CDL disqualifications​?

Getting a CDL in New Jersey is not an easy task as you have to meet multiple federal and states’ requirements, your CDL can still be disqualified if you violate several federal or state regulations. Specifically, according to the New Jersey CDL Manual, NJ CDL disqualifications can result from using alcohol while driving, leaving the scene of an accident, causing serious traffic, violating Out-of-Service orders, and so on.

new jersey cdl disqualification
New Jersey CDL disqualification

Now let’s discover the details below!

Alcohol and Drug violation

Commercial motor driving violations under alcohol or drug abuse will lead to extremely harsh punishments. These violations include:

  • Operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.04% or above
  • Driving a CMV while impaired by alcohol
  • Failure to submit to blood alcohol testing
  • Operating a CMV under the influence of a controlled substance
  • Fleeing the scene of an accident involving a CMV
  • Engaging in a felony offense that involves the use of a CMV
  • Using a CMV while the commercial driver’s license is suspended
  • Causing a fatality due to reckless or negligent operation of a CMV.

Specifically, your New Jersey CDL will be disqualified for at least one year for the first time violations of actions mentioned above, at least three years in case the violations happen when you are driving a commercial motor vehicle used for hazardous materials.

Your New Jersey CDL will be disqualified permanently on the second time of violation, and in case you operate a CMV to commit a crime under influence of controlled substances.

In the situation that you are caught to contain a certain amount of alcohol under 0.04%, you will be under out-of-service order for 24 hours.

Severe Traffic Violations

Severe traffic violations will also lead to your New Jersey CDL disqualifications. Specifically, several actions that are listed as traffic violations include:

  • Driving over the speed limit (15 mph or more)
  • Reckless operation of a vehicle
  • Making unsafe or unpredictable lane changes
  • Violations committed in a CMV that are linked to fatal accidents
  • Operating a CMV without a valid CDL
  • Failing to carry the CDL while driving
  • Using a CMV without the correct class of CDL or necessary endorsements.

Your CDL will be disqualified:

  • A minimum suspension of 60 days applies if two serious traffic offenses are committed within a three-year timeframe while operating a CMV.
  • A minimum suspension of 120 days is enforced for three or more serious traffic offenses within a three-year period involving a CMV.

Violation of Out-of-Service Orders

Regarding violation of Out-of-Service orders, you will lose your CDL:

  • 90-day for the first violation
  • One-year for two violations (within a ten-year period)
  • Three-year applied if three or more violations (within a ten-year timeframe)

Railroad Crossing Violations

Actions considered to be the railroad crossing violations include:

  • Failing to stop before the tracks if they are not clear (for drivers not required to always stop)
  • Failing to slow down and ensure tracks are clear of an approaching train (for drivers not required to always stop)
  • Not stopping before entering the crossing (for drivers required to always stop)
  • Driving onto a crossing without enough space to pass through entirely
  • Ignoring traffic control devices or enforcement official instructions at the crossing
  • Failing to cross due to inadequate undercarriage clearance

Since failing to obey the railroad crossing regulations not only endangered drivers’ lives but also the safety of the train crossing, violations will be punished by:

  • 60-day CDL disqualification for the first offense
  • 120-day CDL disqualification for the second offense within three years
  • One-year CDL disqualification for the third offense within three years

Hazardous Materials Endorsement Background Check and Disqualifications

When applying for a hazardous materials (H) endorsement, you must submit fingerprints and undergo a background check. And you will be disqualified for the H endorsement in New Jersey if:

  • Not being a lawful permanent U.S resident
  • Renouncing U.S citizenship
  • Being wanted or indicted for specific felonies
  • Having felony convictions in civilian or military court
  • Being adjudicated mentally incompetent or involuntarily committed to a mental health facility
  • Being deemed a security threat by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)

Traffic Violations in Private Vehicles

Under the Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act (MCSIA) of 1999, commercial driver’s license holders face disqualification from operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) if they are convicted of specific moving violations in their personal vehicles. These violations includes:

  • If your personal driving privileges are revoked, canceled, or suspended due to traffic law violations (excluding parking violations), your CDL privileges will also be revoked.
  • A revocation, cancellation, or suspension of your personal driving privileges due to offenses involving alcohol, controlled substances, or felonies will result in a one-year CDL disqualification.
  • A second conviction for such violations – whether in a personal vehicle or a CMV – results in a lifetime CDL disqualification.

Additionally, individuals whose personal driving privileges are revoked, canceled, or suspended can not obtain a hardship license to operate a commercial motor vehicle.


1. What felonies disqualify you from getting a CDL in NJ?

In New Jersey, felonies that disqualify a person from obtaining a CDL include using a commercial vehicle in a crime, DUI offenses, reckless driving causing fatalities, drug-related crimes, and any felony involving a motor vehicle.

2. What are the requirements for a CDL in NJ?

In order to be qualified for a Commercial Driver’s License in New Jersey, you need to meet several requirements including age standards, proof of identity/residency, self-certification, medical examiner’s certificate, complete the Entry-Level Driver Training, and pass the Knowledge and skills test.

Continue reading New Jersey CDL requirements for more detailed information!

Final thoughts

New Jersey CDL disqualifications can have serious career-ending consequences for commercial drivers. Being informed about the federal as well as the state’s regulations is key to protect your New Jersey CDL from being disqualified. Hope this blog post is helpful; should anything be confusing, do not hesitate to leave your question below for further discussion.

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