Can I Get My CDL Permit Online? Lastest updated

As many aspiring truck drivers look for ways to streamline their process and save time, they can wonder “Can I get my CDL permit online?” While some steps can be done online, full-stack processing of a CDL permit still requires in-person steps. In this guide, we will narrow down what you can do online and what still needs to be done in person, helping you have a clear insight into the expected process. Scroll down for more!

Can I get my CDL permit online?

No, you cannot get your CDL permit (CLP) entirely online. While some steps can be taken online, other requirements must be done in person. Specifically:

  • Medical test: A physical examination is required to check whether you meet the medical standards to drive commercially.
  • Written tests: You have to physically visit a DMV or other approved testing center to take the written test.
  • Behind-the-wheel training: Hands-on driving training is not available virtually.
  • Skills test: This test has to be taken in person with a certified driving test examiner.

While it is getting easier and some processes are online, getting a CDL permit requires some in-person footsteps to follow state and federal guidelines.

Can I get my CDL permit online
Can I get my CDL permit online?

What steps can I take online to get CLP?

While the entire process cannot be completed online, many steps can be done virtually, including:

  • Submitting your application: Some states have an online portal where you can apply for the CDL permit. In some cases, you are required to visit in person for proof of identification and document validation.
  • Using online study materials and practice tests: You can prepare for your CDL tests online for convenience and flexibility. CDL Prep is one of the most reliable online resources to help you level up your test prep.
  • Take online CDL knowledge tests.
  • Attending theory training in an ELDT program: The ELDT program in some schools offers online classroom sessions for the theory, so you can study in your comfort zone. 
  • Scheduling appointments: Appointments to the DMV for the written test or skills test can be set online to avoid waiting in a queue.

You can speed up some of the processes involved in the CDL permit process online, though not the whole process.


1. Can I get my CDL permit online in Texas?

No, in Texas, you are not able to get a full CDL permit online. You can apply online, and even schedule an appointment, but many steps need to be completed in person, such as medical, written, and skills tests.

2. Can you take a CDL permit test online in New York?

No, New York does not allow you to take the CDL permit test online. You’ll have to go into the DMV to take the written test in person. You can, however, prepare online using all the resources available for studying and practice exams.

3. Can you take a CDL permit test online in Ohio?

No, you must go to a DMV or other accepted testing facility in Ohio to take the test for your CDL permit.

Final thoughts

Now you have a complete answer to the question “Can I get my CDL permit online”. The process will combine both online and in-person steps, ensuring hands-on commitments to get your CDL permit. Some online services can accelerate the process such as submitting applications, preparing for the tests, and theoretical training, while others like medical, written, and skills tests, or practical training cannot be done online. 

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