1. What does H endorsement mean?
H endorsement or Hazmat Material is required when drivers transport hazardous materials which are placarded. To get this endorsement, you must be at least 21 years old and be a U.S citizen, legal permanent resident, or holding a valid Employment Authorization Document. Check our CDL Hazmat Study Guide and Hazmat practice test to get ready for your coming exam.
2. H endorsement cost in some U.S states
H endorsement cost in Pennsylvania
The standard application fee for applying CDL H endorsement is $74.50 for a 4-year license, as well as an additional $60 that applies to an H CDL endorsement.
There is a fee of $60 for the Security Threat Assessment, a $34 fee paid to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for fingerprinting processing, and a $26 FBI fee. This amounts to $254.50 in total to obtain a CDL license with H endorsement in Pennsylvania.
H endorsement cost New Jersey
The fee of the NJ CDL application is $125. And you have to pay $86.50 for the entire process to get the H endorsement in New Jersey. Note that the endorsement is valid for 4 years, after the period you need to renew your license if you still work as a commercial Hazmat driver.
H endorsement cost in Texas
It depends much on your age, your current license, and your identity to get Texas CDL
Age FEE Note
18-84: new
$61 valid in 5 years
18- 84: renewal $61 valid in 5 years after the previous expiration date
85 and older: new $26 valid in 2 years and expires on your birthday
85 and older: renewal $26 valid in 2 years after the previous expiration date
Replacement Texas CDL $11 the current expiration date doesn’t change
Non- resident Texas CDL (for non-US residents): new or renewal
H endorsement fee in Connecticut
Test Fee
General knowledge $ 16
Air brakes $ 5
Combination $ 5
H endorsement $ 5
All other endorsements ( S-school bus, T- double/triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 5 for each endorsement
Skill tests $ 30 (you will pay at the time of knowledge test)
CLP duplicate $ 10 (in case your CLP lost, stolen, or destroyed)
H endorsement cost in DC
No cash is accepted at the Deanwood Road Test/ DC CDL office or the CDL testing facility.
Driver Service Fee
Driver License (new or renewal) $ 48 for 8 years
Provisional Driver license $ 20
Learner Permit $ 20
Knowledge test $ 10
Duplicate Learner Permit $ 20
Duplicate Driver License $ 20
Commercial Driver License (new or renewal)
$ 117
H endorsement $ 20
Duplicate CDL license $ 20
CDL knowledge test $ 10 per test
ALL other endorsements ( S-school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined) $ 20
CDL road skill tests $ 10
H endorsement fee in Tennessee
License class Standard License Period Total cost
Tanker endorsement until license expires $ 8.50
School Bus endorsement until license expires $ 26.00
Passenger Endorsement until license expires $ 8.50
H endorsement until license expires $ 8.50
Double & triple trailer endorsement
until license expires $ 8.50
Class A 8 years $ 70.00
Class B or C 8 years $ 62.00
1st Duplicate until license expires $ 12.00
2nd or Subsequent Duplicate
until license expires $ 16.00
H endorsement fee in Maryland
To get an H endorsement in Maryland, you will pay $ 38 for fingerprints, $ 14.50 for the FBI background check, and $34 for the TSA check. It is a must that H endorsement be renewed at least every 5 years.
H endorsement cost in Wisconsin
Commercial Driver license Fees
Hazmat endorsement $ 44
Original (class A, B, C) $ 74
Renewal (class A, B, C) for 8 years $ 74
School bus endorsement $ 10
Commercial Learner Permit ( class A, B, C)
$ 30
Duplicate $ 14
Class upgrade $15 (one or more classes)
Endorsement upgrade $5 (each) and a $10 issuance fee
Fee for H endorsement in Virginia
Virginia offers some of the lowest CDL fees, to keep the CDL license valid for 8 years, it will only $ 8 per year and $ 1 per year for the H endorsement.
H endorsement cost Florida
Original or Renewal CDL $ 81.25
H endorsement and other endorsements
$ 7.00
Hazmat application $ 91.00
Written exams ( for the first attempt) $ 6.25
Re-take written exams $ 16.25
Replacement CDL $ 31.25
Late fee (is charged if you renew your license after the Expiration date) $ 15.00
H endorsement cost in New York
It is essential that you complete the Application form for H endorsement, in which you will pay $10 for the permit, and then you must present $40 for the road skills test after your permit is approved. After that, a fee of $ 5.00 will be paid before you sitting this test.
H endorsement fee in Michigan
In Michigan, you will pay a fee of $86.50 for the background check by The Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The $86.50 is only for the background check and does include other fees.
H endorsement fee in Washington
License test Fee
H endorsement and other all endorsements ( license fee plus fee remaining your license) $ 27
Knowledge test $ 35
Skill tests $ 250
Standard CDL license $ 102
CDL skill test for S - school bus endorsement
$ 100
CDL re-qualification $ 35
Renew with CDL endorsement $ 180 for 6 years
Fee for H endorsement in Colorado
You will pay $ 49 that includes the license fee and medical certificate. Then, for the H endorsement, the background check is $ 86.50 that will be paid by the applicant.
H endorsement cost in Louisiana
CDL medical certification is required and a fee set by the medical examiner. Regarding the application fee, you will pay $15, and $100 for the third-party skills test ( in case you provide the vehicle).
Moreover, to get a license, the DMV will charge you $ 41 ( $ 51 if you reside in Orleans Parish). If you want to add some endorsements, it will cost $ 5 for each (including H-hazmat endorsement, S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
H endorsement fee in Ohio
Application process Fee
TSA ( transportation security administration) Hazprint driver application $ 86.50
Standard CDL license $ 50.00
H Endorsement $ 43.00
Pre-trip inspection $ 10.00
Off-road maneuvering $ 10.00
On-road maneuvering $ 30.00
How does H endorsement cost in Illinois
License test Fee
Adding H endorsement to current License
$ 5
Class A, B, or C Illinois CDL $ 60
Renewing current Illinois license $ 60
Upgrade class CDL $ 5
Renewing Illinois Limited School bus CDL $ 20
Changing/ adding an endorsement or restriction
$ 5
H endorsement in Massachusetts
The CDL Massachusetts exam will cover pre-trip inspections and Ma endorsements, as well as general knowledge. Fees for the most common requirement are:
Common requirement Fee
A permit application $ 30.00
License/ learner’s Application and Road Test
$ 35.00
Class A, B, or C for a 5-year license as well as for each 5-year renewal
$ 75.00
CDL H endorsement $ 10.00
CDL other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined) $ 10.00
Transfer out-of-state for class A, B, and C $ 140.00
Hazmat cost in New Hampshire
Commercial Driver License type FEE
A combination of vehicles $ 60.00
B single vehicles weighing 26,001 lbs or more
$ 60.00
C single vehicles weighing 26,001 or less $ 60.00
Class C - a bus designed to transport 16 passengers
$ 60.00
Class C- a hazardous material or tanker
$ 60.00
CDL Learner’s Permit $ 20.00
CDL endorsements (fee will be added to the appropriate fee above) FEE
H - Hazmat endorsement $ 10.00
N- tanker endorsement $ 10.00
P - passenger vehicles $ 10.00
S - school bus endorsement $ 10.00
T - Double/ triple vehicles $ 10.00
H – hazmat endorsement cost in Oregon
Commercial driver license type fee
Class C driver license or restricted class C
$ 54.00
Standard CDL license (whether or not include endorsements) $ 75.00
Limited-term CDL license (whether or not include endorsements)
$ 45.00
Instruction driver permit $ 23.00
Commercial driver learner permit $ 23.00
H – hazmat endorsement cost in Alaska
Commercial driver license type Fee
Standard CDL license $ 100.00
Skill test Fee (non-refundable) $ 25
H - hazmat endorsement $ 86.50
H endorsement fee in south Dakota
Commercial driver license type Fee
Standard CDL license $ 33
CDL skill tests $ 90 (plus tax)
H endorsement $ 15
Other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined) $ 15
H endorsement fee in Vermont
Commercial driver license type Fee
A 2- year driver license $ 32.00
A 4-year driver license $ 51.00
Replacement CDL license $ 20.00
Enhanced Driver license (additional) $ 30.00
Knowledge exam $ 32.00
H – hazmat endorsement cost in Maine
Commercial driver license type Fee
Class A, B, or C $ 70.00
H endorsement $ 20.00
Other endorsements ( S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 20.00
Renew Class C - under 65 for 6 years $ 55.00
Renew class C - 65 years old and older for 4 years $ 20.00
CDL license - under 65 for 5 years valid $ 59.00
CDL license - 65 or older - 4 years valid $ 47.00
Converting out-of-state CDL
$ 70.00 application fee and $ 34 for any endorsement
H -hazmat endorsement cost in Hawaii
Commercial driver license type Fee
Road/ skills test $ 50.00
H- hazmat endorsement $ 5.00
Standard CDL license $ 40.00
Other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 5.00
H endorsement cost in Delaware
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial learner’s permit $ 5.00
H- hazmat endorsement $ 5.00
Standard CDL license for 5 years $ 30.00
Standard CDL license for 8 years $ 48.00
Other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 5.00
H – hazmat endorsement fee in North Dakota
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial learner’s permit $ 15.00
H- hazmat endorsement $ 3.00
Standard CDL license
$ 15.00
CDL road tests $ 5.00
Knowledge test $ 15.00
Other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 3.00
H-hazmat endorsement in Rhode Island
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial learner’s permit new/ renewal
$ 41.00
H- hazmat endorsement
$ 10.00
CDL application $ 11.50
Chauffeur license $ 26.50
Renewal License - 70 years old or older - valid 2 years
$ 33.50
Other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 10.00
Convert out-of-state CDL license $ 53.50
Update license $ 6.50
Permit update or duplicate $ 21.50
duplicate CDL license $ 26.50
H endorsement cost in Wyoming
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial learner’s renewal $ 40.00
Change class CDL $ 40.00
Standard CDL license $ 50.00
CDL road tests $ 80.00
CDL instruction permit $ 40.00
H endorsement license cost in Mississippi
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial driver’s license $ 55.00 for 5 years
CDL learner permit $ 16.00 for 6 months
CDL application fee $ 25.00
CDL Hazmat endorsement $ 100.00
Duplicate CDL license $ 11.00
Late Renewal fee $ 1.00
Endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 5.00
H -hazmat endorsement license cost in Nevada
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial driver’s license $ 55.00 for 5 years
Knowledge tests $ 111.25
CDL application fee $ 141.25
CDL Hazmat endorsement $ 17.25
Duplicate CDL license $ 11.00
Skill test $ 30.00
Photo ID $ 3.25
TSA application $ 86.50
Read more >> How to Get a HazMat Endorsement?
H endorsement cost in Utah
Commercial driver license type Fee
General Knowledge tests $ 40.00
Re-take General Knowledge tests $ 20.00
CDL X endorsement $ 7.00
Re-take X endorsement $ 7.00
Skill test $ 60.00
Re-take skill test $ 40.00
TSA application $ 86.50
H -hazmat endorsement license cost in Nebraska
Commercial driver license type Fee
Commercial driver license valid for 5 years
$ 59.50
Commercial driver license valid for more than 3 years but not more than 4 years
Commercial driver license valid for more than 2 years but not more than 3 years $ 37.50
Commercial driver license valid for more than 1 years but not more than 2 years $ 26.50
Commercial driver license valid for 1 year or less
$ 15.50
Replacement CDL $ 15.50
H endorsement $ 14.50
Change class CDL $ 14.50
Other endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 14.50
Restriction $ 14.50
H endorsement cost in Oklahoma
Commercial driver license type Fee
Application class A $ 25.00
License fee class A $ 56.50
Application class B $ 7.00
License fee class B $ 56.50
Application class C $ 15.00
License fee class C $ 46.50
Application class D $ 4.00
License fee class D $ 38.50
License Fee $ 38.50
Duplicate license $ 25.00
H endorsement license cost in Alabama
Commercial driver license type Fee
General Knowledge tests $ 25.00
Class A $ 66.25
Class B $ 56.25
Class C $ 36.25
Skill test $ 20.00
TSA application $ 86.50
H -hazardous materials endorsement fee in Idaho
Commercial driver license type Fee
CDL license valid 1 year (age 20) $ 15.00
CDL license valid 3 years (age 18 to 21) $ 30.00
CDL license valid 4 years ( age 21 and over)
$ 39.00
Seasonal CDL ( valid 180 days)
$ 39.00
Commercial learner’s permit
$ 20.00
CDL license upgrade $ 25.00
H- hazmat endorsement $ 15.00
Other Endorsements (S- school bus, T- double/ triples, P-passenger, N- liquid bulk/ tank cargo, X- hazardous material and tank, combined)
$ 15.00
Skills tests $ 10.00
Written tests $ 3.00 for each
H endorsement cost in Iowa
Commercial driver license type Fee Duration of license
Class A $ 8.00 per year Duration of license
Class B $ 8.00 per year 8 years
Class C $ 8.00 per year 8 years
Commercial learner’s permit $ 12.00 1 year
Replacement License $ 10.00
TSA application $ 86.50
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